Building a First-Gen Campus-wide Network of Support:
Engaging Your Faculty and Staff
Maria Erb, Boston University
Friday, February 17, 2023
12:00 p.m. to 1:15 p.m. EST
(11:00 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. Cst)
Faculty and staff are critical in the success of first-generation students on any college campus. So, how do we get them on board? This presenter will share how the Newbury Center at Boston University (BU) has engaged faculty and staff in their efforts, which in turn, has built a greater sense of belonging and community for first-generation students. The Newbury Center was established in January 2021 and is a centralized, university-wide center that fosters the holistic development and success of first-generation undergraduate, graduate, and professional students. Through the Terrier F1RSTS Advocates Training program for faculty and staff, the Tri-Alpha National Honor Society for first-generation college students, the Professional Clothing Closet in partnership with the Center for Career Development, and mentoring through Elevate (the Newbury Center's magazine) and the Terrier F1RSTS Library Connects program, BU faculty and staff have come out in full-force to support first-generation students. The presenter will share best practices and provide an in-depth overview of how these various programs and initiatives were developed and implemented, and how they can be replicated at other institutions. Attendees will also have the opportunity to share their best practices on engaging faculty and staff on their campuses.
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