here’s a preview of what you can expect from the concurrent workshop sessions!
Collaborations and Partnerships
Assessing Your First-gen Student Program: Where and How Do You Begin?
Maria Dykema Erb, Boston University
Career Empowerment: Information Access, Social Capital, and Job Placement
Yasamin Mahallaty, CareerSpring
Beyond GPA and Graduation Rates: Exploring Alternative Success Metrics for FGLI Programming
April Ruiz and Rachael Barlow, Wesleyan University
Developing a FGLI Student Success Initiative
Miriam Sherin, Debbie Crimmins, Michael Fitzpatrick, Rebecca Pinchuk, and Amit Prachand, Northwestern University
Faculty Connect: Scaling Up Faculty Engagement with First-Generation Students at New York University
Trace Jordan, NYU
Partnering with a Robust FLI Alumni Network to Support FLI Alumni & Students
Anh LyJordan, Chris Sinclair, and Jennifer Telschow, CO-FLAN
Student success and student support
Are you ok? Data-Informed Strategies for Empowering Mental Health and Wellbeing in FGLI Students and Students of Color
Selena Martinez and Sayra Alanis, EMERGE Fellowship
Being FGLI in the Arts
Lane Marsh and Kaelani Burja, Princeton University
FYE + SEL: A First Gen Inclusive Model for the First Year Experience Course
Zabrina Songui, Rutgers University Newark
Jumpstarting the First Semester: A High Quality, Low Cost, Evidence-Based Alternative to the Summer Bridge
Sara Remedios Bloom, Columbia University School of General Studies
Peer-to-Peer Learning as a Classroom Resource for FGLI Students
Nina Wieda, Northwestern University
Proud To Be FLI: Utilizing FLI Storytelling to Support Student Mental Health & Wellness
Jennifer Telschow, The University of Chicago
Scaling Up and Diversifying FGLI Student Support at Yale: An Integrated, Intersecting, and Overlapping Structure
Lynda Paul, Nancy Sanchez, Audrey Yeung, and Caitlin Willis, Yale University
Success Coaching Program in Academic Advising: Build Your Blueprint for Success
Liana Mentor, Johns Hopkins University
Supporting FLI Students Through Students: Building and Expanding Peer Mentoring Initiatives and Peer-Led Programming
Omandra Zamora and Talaya LeGette, The University of Chicago
To & Through: Bridging our FGLI scholars as a pipeline access program starting from seventh grade TO higher education AND Launch Pad in getting them THROUGH higher education, careers and future endeavors!
Zoe Makropoulos, Aaron Reevey, and Kim Williams, Rutgers Future Scholars
Walking with Our Scholars: A Model of Adaptive Academic Accompaniment
Itzxul Moreno, Manny Fernandez, Adrienne Skinner, and Amanda Springstead, University of Notre Dame
Work in Progress: The Evolution of FGLI Programming at Wesleyan
Demetrius Colvin, April Ruiz, and Kiara Ruesta Cayetano, Wesleyan University
policy and campus culture
Budgets, Org Charts, and Policy Memos, Oh My: The Challenges and Opportunities of Moving FGLI Student Support from Institutional Periphery to the “Center"
Khristina Gonzalez, Co-Founder of FGLI Consortium, Princeton University
Transforming Band-Aid Solutions Into Institutional Change: Academic, Social, and Financial Pathways
Karin Gosselink, Yale University
Using the Bridges Transition Model of Change Management to Support Readiness for Scale
Kourtney Cockrell, Co-Founder of FGLI Consortium; Regional Director and Vice President, Global Philanthropy at JPMorgan Chase (The Fellowship Initiative)
Wellness at Scale: Fostering Resilience in the Face of Burnout
Devon Moore, Co-Founder of FGLI Consortium; ScholarMatch
You Grow Girl: Residential & Virtual Expansion of the Freshman Scholars Institute
Ashleee Shaw and Chelsie Berg-Geist, Princeton University