FGLI Consortium Administrator Conference
2020 Host Institution Bid Application
Bid Application Due: October 15, 2019
The Annual FGLI Consortium Administrator Conference brings together a community of faculty and administrators to collectively address complex issues impacting FGLI students across higher education. Attendees hear from inspirational speakers, think radically about transformational change, and share knowledge about ways that help ensure FGLI students thrive at highly selective colleges and universities. Administrators and faculty working with, and advocating for, first-generation and/or lower-income college students at highly selective institutions are encouraged to attend.
The 3rd Annual FGLI Consortium Administrator Conference will take place from Sunday, November 8 through Wednesday, November 11, 2020.
Bidding Process for Hosting the 2020 Conference
The FGLI Consortium welcomes bids from all consortium members. Applicants must be in good standing and have attended one of the two previous FGLI Consortium Administrator Conferences in 2019 or 2018. Host institutions will take primary lead on executing the logistics and theme established in concert with and under the auspices of the FGLI Consortium Executive Committee, as well as the FGLI Consortium Planning Committee. Prior to submitting a bid, each potential host institution must agree to the following commitments, if selected:
Commit to providing up to $40,000 from institutional budget toward the cost of the conference.
Be prepared and logistically capable of hosting a group of 200, with the opportunity for a whole group meeting.
Commit to having at least three individuals at the home institution help with planning and execution.
The individual FGLI member representing the host institution and sponsoring bid must commit to attending the Spring Colloquium on March 12-13, 2020, and all required telephonic planning meetings.
Be prepared to organize and execute primary logistics for the event (e.g., room reservations, accommodations, “swag” orders, food, parking, printing, technical support, honorarium/travel arrangements for guest speakers).
Have a letter of support from and guaranteed involvement of a senior member of institutional leadership team (i.e. President/Provost).
Bids are due October 15, 2019. Bids will reviewed by the FGLI Consortium Executive Committee and applicants will be notified of a decision by early November 2019.